While studying. After practice. At the student lounge. For some late-night shareables.
Delicious choices, valuable insights and terrific ideas to drive traffic all across campus.
Students love to eat. Anytime. Everywhere. All day long. And Smithfield has the options to feed them. From retail items that are ready to heat and serve, to a comprehensive variety of products for custom-made meals, we have the options students demand across campus.
Smithfield has the products and insights perfect for enhancing your college and university menu.
For additional information, contact your Smithfield sales representative or call 888-327-6526.
Campus Trends: Higher Quality to Go:1
Like everyone else, students appreciate a variety of higher quality food options. They like customizable meals as well as a variety of grab ‘n’ go options. Finally, students have their classic favorites.
Below find the percentages of students who prefer select items at lunch and dinner.
Sandwiches48% Lunch
Pizza42% Lunch47% Dinner
Pasta47% Lunch
Burgers34% Lunch38% Dinner
Campus Trends: Unique and Adventurous:2
But students don’t stop with the classics. They like change in menus to keep their choices interesting. And like the general food-loving population, students are also becoming more adventurous, with ethnically influenced meals, and Vietnamese and Caribbean specialties and more are becoming student favorites.
Below find the percentages of students who would order a specific ethnic item.
Lunch and Dinner Bowls41%
Breakfast Bowls37%
International Street Foods32%
Campus Trends: Quick and Convenient:3
While unique and delicious flavors and offerings are of utmost importance for college students, their nonstop lifestyles also make convenience a top priority.
Below find the percentage of students who expect their university to offer a particular amenity.
Low Prices53%
Convenient Location46%
Friendly and Speedy Service37%
Late-Night Operating Hours34%
1-3 Technomic, Consumer Trend Report US College & University, 2019