Show your flair with signature meat.

Explore various ways to
express yourself with protein.

Whether it’s a specialty flatbread or a regional-style pizza, you can highlight your signature protein’s flavor and versatility with a featured dish that stands out as the star of the menu.

Create a seasonal special using timely ingredients or themes to showcase your protein.

Pairing suggestions are a great way to highlight beverages that create harmonious combinations, elevating your patrons’ dining experience as well as the protein’s profile.

Pepperoni: the easy way to boost appeal.

Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping in the U.S. Define your pizza’s appearance and appeal with just the right type.


Spices give pepperoni
their unique, signature
flavor. Choose the right
level of spice to
modulate the level of
kick you’re looking for.


While the sizes and thicknesses available vary, be sure you source your pepperoni from manufacturers that provide consistency in cost and preparation.


Whether you prefer a clean appearance with lay flat pepperoni or a unique experience that cups and chars, you’re sure to have a hit on your hands.

And while pepperoni may be king, be sure to explore other products that can plus up your pizza masterpiece, from specialty bacon to globally inspired meats and more.


Make your artwork come to life.